Month: May 2019

Fire Hall

We lucked out with decent weather on our walk to the fire hall today. The children learned a lot about fire fighters’ gear and the order the gear goes on. Our students were able to ask their inquiry questions about fires, fire fighting and fire boats. The fire fighters were so kind and answered their questions. The students also had the opportunity to sit inside a fire truck. Tonight the children are bringing home a fire booklet. Please take some time and go through the booklet with your child. Talk about your family’s meeting place in case of a fire. Thank you for taking time to discuss fire safety at home.

Hats off to You

Today we read a fun story about different types of hats. After the story, students were invited to create their own hats. Some children drew a plan and then used the materials to create their own hats. It is interesting to watch students roll, fold, cut and secure various materials. One child asked what is a hole puncher? They were delighted to see one in action. The student said, “now I know a hole puncher makes holes!” Some students proudly wore their hats home. Other children put their hats in their bags to bring home. You might want to talk to your child about how they secured their hat and why they made certain material choices in their hat design.