Month: June 2018

Summer Resources

We wish all of our families a safe, fun and healthy summer. The arrival of summer doesn’t mean learning stops. Embrace your child’s wonders. Ask questions, learn new things together and explore nature. Here is a lot of resources to support learning throughout the summer.

Summer Fun Pass coupons

Local library eResources 

TD Summer Reading Program

Arts Camp weeks at our local Gallery

Create a feee account to access free leveled books

Dice games 

Skipping games

Go for walks, sketch, paint, discuss changes in gardens, and enjoy time with your child. Happy Summer!


The Wave

Today we did a painting response to the wordless picture book titled, The Wave. The children used water colours to express their thinking about the story.


Dice Fun

The children are consolidating their math skills by playing dice games. The children are getting better at subitizing. They can easily recognize the number on the dice without having to count each dot. Some students are adding dice and recording number sentences. Others are rolling and writing and focusing on using the correct formation of the numbers. Another game involves using 24 pieces of Lego and one die. The children take turns rolling the dice and who ever gets a tower of 12 first, wins the game. Over the summer play games that involve dice. Use sidewalk chalk and some dice to roll and write or roll and add. Have fun with math over the summer.


Local Library Visit

Today, we visited our local library and learned about the summer reading program. We also had a tour around the library. We found non-fiction books, short chapter books, and picture books. We saw many areas with toys that can be used during visits. We learned about the DVDs for kids and families that are available to sign out. We also discovered some video game CDs that can be signed out as well. We encourage you to talk to your child about their visit. We also invite you to visit the library throughout the summer months.

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Coding Fun

We are learning how to code. We are learning how to effectively use directional language such as up, down, right, left, turn, across and behind. Students are using grids to move objects while their partners give instructions. We are using the Code-a-pillar to learn how to program. Students are using arrow cards to program a mouse through a maze. Kodable  is an app that provides mazes and the children program a ball to move through the maze. Some older students came down to our room and showed us how a Sphero can be programmed with an app on the iPad. The children were delighted to see the ball zip around the classroom. We will continue to explore coding in various ways in our classroom over the next month.
