Month: May 2017


The students are exploring how shapes go together. They used flexible straws to create shapes. This activity developed conversation about the corners and sides of a shape. Students were also able to change their shapes. They could easily see that a shape could have the same number of sides and corners but be manipulated into different shapes.  At home, you family might wish to explore flexible shapes. Use one box of flexible straws. Cut the straws so they are even on each side of the flexible corner. We also used some longer straws to create different shapes. Small cuts were placed at the ends of the straws. The small cuts made it easier to join together the straws. 


Vincent van Gogh

This week we read picture books about Vincent Van Gogh. The children learned how others treated Vincent as a painter. We talked about how we value each other’s art and respect the effort.


We also looked at his many paintings. Today the children painted their own watercolour paintings and a few titled their paintings. The children viewed a few clips about his paintings. We discussed how artwork can make us feel different things. We talked about how we can connect to certain paintings. We also talked about how the colours make us feel in a painting. You might want to talk about different pieces of artwork with your child.

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Bee Bot

Our coding adventure continues with the introduction to the Bee Bot. We were able to scaffold the children’s learning from the Code-a-pillar to the Bee Bot. Students used a map grid and decided on routes. The children pressed the direction buttons and watched the way the Bee Bot moved. This activity helped students understand their spatial movements as well as help develop their vocabulary. The children needed to pick a path and then talk about the directions. They programmed the Bee Bot and watched it move. Sometimes it went in a different direction and the children had to reprogram it. We worked on using words such as across, forward, backwards and turn. The students discovered the terms left and right also made the task easier. At home you could play a coding game by simply giving instructions to your child. Step forward one. Turn right. Step forward three steps. Turn left. Let your child describe movements to you as well. This will help consolidate their understanding of left and right and how to give specific instructions.  Use sidewalk chalk outdoors and draw grids or pathways. Describe ways to move through the pathways.

We are also using simple maps and drawing pathways. A few students began to use grids to make their own maps at the art centre. We have a very creative bunch of learners.



Picture a Tree

Our students are keen observers. They are looking closely at the it environment and making comparisons and discoveries. Last week we read Picutre A Tree. The children used plasticine to create representations of the trees in our schoolyard. At home, we encourage you to discuss and take photos of signs of spring. Send in a photo or two for our class to discuss.
